Dilansi hardware products factory has over 15 years of export experience. As a leadingexport hardware factory in China, we are mainly committed to producing high-qualithardware, stainless steel, and solid metal products. Our factory was founded in 2008by family members in a small workshop, and has now grown to 2000 square meters with35 skilled workers
We are proud to provide customers with high standards of quality at reasonableprices. Due to the absence of third-party intermediaries, we can ensure direct andeffective communication between customers, thereby achieving fast and reliableservicios. 0ur main focus is hardware wholesalers, decoration companies, and hardwaretrading companies that sell hardware products to the European market.
With our understanding of the uniqueness of hardware and stainless steel products,customization is one of the focuses of our servicios to meet the specific needs ofcustomers. 0ur factory also has an experienced team and is equipped with advancedmachinery and technology, enabling us to efficiently and quickly produce high-qualityproducts.
In addition to our favorable prices, advanced technology, and timely deliveryadvantages, we also prioritize high-quality customer service. Answer any questions thatcustomers may have and ensure that thev are fully satisfied with the experience of our
We believe that our affordable prices, advanced technology, timely deliverradvantages, and unigue combination of customer seryice make us an ideal partner forhardware Wholesalers, decoration companies, and hardware trading companies.le look forward to working with vou to provide vou with the high-guality products andservicios you deserve.
Skilled Workers
Square Meters
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Production Experience
company Culture
Collaborative spirit
We believe that our affordable prices, advanced technology, timely delivery advantages, and unique combination of customer service make us an ideal partner for hardware wholesalers, decoration companies, and hardware trading companies.
We look forward to working with you to provide you with the high-quality products and servicios you deserve
Challenge spirit
Our factory was founded in 2008 by family members in a small workshop, and has now grown to 2000 square meters with 35 skilled workers.
In addition to our favorable prices, advanced technology, and timely delivery advantages, we also prioritize high-quality customer service.
quality materials
Answer any questions that customers may have and ensure that they are fully satisfied with the experience of our collaboration.
We are proud to provide customers with high standards of quality at reasonable prices. Due to the absence of third-party intermediaries, we can ensure direct and effective communication between customers, thereby achieving fast and reliable servicios. Our main focus is hardware wholesalers, decoration companies, and hardware trading companies that sell hardware products to the European market